What outreach programs would you recommend?
Icebreaker ideas
Click on the question card to select it.
Personal Journey
What led you to join this church community?
How do you find strength in your faith?
Which biblical figure inspires you the most?
What's a favorite memory from church?
How has your faith influenced your life choices?
What prayer gives you the most comfort?
Which hymn or worship song lifts your spirits?
Can you share a faith milestone you've experienced?
What's one way your faith has been tested?
What lesson has your faith taught you recently?
How do you incorporate faith into your work or studies?
What question would you ask a biblical character if you could?
What's a tradition that deepens your faith?
How do you observe your faith at home?
What's the best piece of spiritual advice you've received?
Spiritual Gifts
What talent do you feel is God-given?
How could you use your skills in our church?
What ministry are you passionate about?
Do you have a hidden talent few in the church know about?
How can your hobbies be of service to the church community?
What's a spiritual gift you admire in others?
How do you think we can foster each other's gifts?
Which of your gifts are you most thankful for?
Have you discovered any new talents recently?
What's one way you've used your gifts to help others?
Which biblical teaching on gifts resonates with you?
How could your professional skills benefit the church?
Do you have a gift for leadership or mentorship?
In what ways do you feel called to serve?
What's a gift you're working on developing?
Faith Walk
What's a verse that guides you?
How do you overcome doubt?
What's a faith challenge you've conquered?
How do you stay hopeful?
Can you describe a time your faith was strengthened?
How do you share your faith with others?
What's an act of faith you've witnessed?
What's your favorite parable and why?
How do you interpret 'faith without works is dead'?
What does 'walking by faith' mean to you?
How has your faith walk inspired others?
What's the most recent step you've taken in faith?
How does your faith affect your daily decisions?
What's a lesson you've learned from the life of Jesus?
How do you witness to your faith in difficult times?
Biblical Wondering
Which Bible story do you find most mysterious?
What's a question you'd ask about the creation story?
What wonder do you experience when reading the Psalms?
Which miracle of Jesus do you wish you'd seen?
What's something you're curious about from the book of Revelation?
Which prophecy do you find most compelling?
What aspect of the Holy Land would you like to know more about?
What's a biblical custom you'd like explained?
What do you wonder about life in biblical times?
What's an unanswered question you have from a sermon?
What aspect of God's nature puzzles you?
What's a scripture passage that you find complex?
Which event from Acts would you have liked to witness?
What's a dream or vision in the Bible that intrigues you?
What's a parable that you have questions about?
Interests and Hobbies
What hobby brings you joy?
What book have you recently enjoyed?
Do you have a favorite outdoor activity?
What's your favorite way to relax?
Do you collect anything?
What craft or project are you working on?
What sport do you love to play or watch?
What's a new skill you're learning?
What's your favorite thing to cook or bake?
What music genre do you enjoy the most?
Do you play a musical instrument?
What's a place you've traveled to that you love?
What's a movie you could watch over and over?
What's a cause you're passionate about?
What's an activity that makes you lose track of time?
Family and Relationships
What family tradition do you cherish?
How do you spend time with your family?
What's an important lesson you've learned from a family member?
How do you and your family celebrate holidays?
What's a way your family has shown you love?
How does your family incorporate prayer or devotionals?
What's your favorite family memory?
How do you resolve conflicts within your family?
What's a tradition you want to pass on to your children?
How do you support family members in their faith?
What's a significant piece of wisdom you've received from an elder?
How do you strengthen bonds within your family?
What does 'family' mean to you?
How do you keep your family connected with the church?
What's a valuable life lesson you've learned through relationships?
Church Roles
What church volunteer experience have you enjoyed?
What aspect of church operations interests you?
How could you see yourself helping out in church?
What's a role in the church you admire?
Have you ever led a small group or class?
What's something about church leadership you're curious about?
What skills could you contribute to church life?
What's a role you've never tried but would like to?
How do you think you could support our pastors or staff?
What's a behind-the-scenes church task you're thankful for?
How do you feel about public speaking or reading in church?
What's a part of the church service you'd like to learn more about?
Do you have experience in church fundraising or event planning?
What's one way you've been involved in church that was out of your comfort zone?
What skills or knowledge do you wish to gain to contribute more effectively to church activities?
Would You Rather
Would you rather attend a Bible study or a prayer group?
Would you rather volunteer for vacation Bible school or a church clean-up day?
Would you rather sing in the choir or serve as an usher?
Would you rather cook for a church event or be in charge of decorations?
Would you rather go on a mission trip or organize local outreach?
Would you rather lead a ministry or support one behind the scenes?
Would you rather write for the church newsletter or manage the church social media accounts?
Would you rather participate in a church sports league or a church book club?
Would you rather decorate the church for holidays or help with audio-visual needs during services?
Would you rather assist in a children's ministry or a senior's ministry?
Would you rather engage in church door-to-door evangelism or street preaching?
Would you rather join the worship band or the church council?
Would you rather help with a church fundraiser or coordinate a community service project?
Would you rather read scripture aloud during service or lead the congregation in prayer?
Would you rather mentor new believers or organize fellowship events?
Community and Outreach
What community service have you found fulfilling?
What local need do you think our church could address?
How can we better serve our neighborhood?
What outreach programs would you recommend?
How do you share your faith with the local community?
What's a cause you believe our church should support?
How do you volunteer your time outside of church?
What's a successful community project you've been part of?
How can we show Christ's love to our community?
What talents do you have that could benefit local outreach?
What social issue are you passionate about?
How can we involve youth in community service?
What's a partnership you'd like to see our church pursue?
How can we enhance our church's impact in the community?
What's an area of community outreach you'd like to learn more about?
Encouragement and Affirmation
What do you appreciate about our church community?
What aspect of our church do you cherish the most?
Can you share a recent positive experience in our church?
What unique qualities do you think our church possesses?
If given a chance, what would you alter about our church?
What activities or programs would you like our church to implement more?
Is there anything you feel our church should do less?
Can you suggest any new initiatives for our church?
Are there any elements you feel should be eliminated from our church?
What areas do you think our church could improve upon?
What traditions or practices do you hope our church continues?